[이슈분석] 2020년 개헌 후 ‘공격용 미사일 배치’ 꿈꾸는 아베 총리(Abe Dreaming of 'Playing Attack Missile' )

전쟁가능국가 목표, 日 국회와 언론 견제 없이 미사일 보유 트럼프 재선 동시에 개헌 실현되면, 미사일 전략 빠르게 성장

2019-08-24     이슈밸리

[이슈밸리=윤대우 기자] 아베 총리는 2020년 도쿄올림픽 이후 전쟁 가능한 국가로의 개헌을 준비하고 있습니다. 일본이 F-35A 스텔스 전투기를 당초 105대에서 항모 탑재가 가능한 F-35B 42대 늘려 총 147대를 도입하기로 한 것은 강한 군대를 보유하기 위한 사전 작업이라 할 수 있습니다.

이는 미국 다음으로 스텔스 전투기를 많이 보유한 국가가 됩니다. 우리 군도 총 40대 F-35 스텔스기를 확보할 예정입니다. 단순 숫자로만 본다면 일본은 한국보다 스텔스 전투기를 약 3.7배 더 보유하게 된 셈입니다.

지금까지 한-일 공군력은 비슷했거나, 정찰기, 인공위성 등 정보수집 면에서 일본이 다소 우위였는데 이번 일본이 스텔스기를 대량 구매하면서 두 나라의 공군전력 균형은 일본으로 완전 기울게 되는 것이죠. 

전쟁 가능한 국가를 꿈꾸고 있는 아베 총리 입가에 미소가 번질법 합니다. 그런데 이런 아베 총리 마음 한구석에 텅 비어있는 게 있습니다. 그것은 바로 공격용 미사일 전력이죠. 

일본의 미사일 제조 기술과 발사 능력은 세계 최강이고, 마음만 먹으면 언제든지 핵무기나  대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM) 같은 장거리 미사일을 만들 수 있습니다. 문제는 현실, 이러한 미사일을 마음대로 보유할 수 없기 때문이죠.

이는 일본 헌법에 명시된 ‘전수방위’(공격을 받았을 때만 방위력을 행사하며, 그 범위는 최소한으로 함) 원칙을 위반하기 때문입니다.  

지난 2017년 일본 정부가 사거리 500㎞와 사거리 900㎞가 넘는 순항미사일 도입 방침을 공식 발표하자 ‘전수방위’ 원칙 위반 논란이 확산됐습니다.

당시 일본 방위성은 F-35 도입을 염두해 스텔스기에 탑재할 수 있는 방어용 순항미사일을 도입하는 것을 추진한다고 발표했지만 일본 제1 야당과 언론은 아베 정부를 비난했습니다.

제1 야당인 입헌민주당의 에다노 유키오 대표는 “적기지 공격용이 아니라고 말하지만 갑자기 납득할 만한 성질의 것이 아니다”라고 지적했죠.

마이니치신문은 “전수방위 원칙에 적합한지 논의도 하지 않은 채 실질적으로 능력을 보유하는 형태로 발을 내미는 형국”이라고 비판했습니다.

순항미사일을 도입하면 항공자위대가 동해 공해상에서 F-35를 이용해 북한 내륙 타격은 물론 독도 분쟁 시 자위대가 공격 미사일을 사용할 수도 있게 되는 것이죠.

아베 총리가 2020년 도쿄 올림픽 이후 전쟁 가능한 국가로 개헌을 시도하려는 가장 궁극적 이유는 이러한 장거리 순항-탄도미사일 보유하기 위한 것이라는 분석이 지배적입니다.

그러니, 사정거리 800km와 사정거리 3000km 순항미사일 보유를 준비 중인 한국이 부러울 수 밖에 없는 것이죠. 아베 정부로선 기술이 부족해서 이런 장거리 미사일을 보유하지 못하는게 아니라, 일본 헌법에 꽁꽁 묶여 움직일 수 없는 것을 한탄해 하고 있는 것입니다.

현재 우리 군은 순항미사일(현무 3C-사정거리 1500km, 현무 3B-1000km, 현무 3A-500km)과 탄도미사일(현무 2A –사정거리 300km 탄도중량 2000kg, 현무 2B-500km 1000kg, 현무 2C-800km 500kg)을 수 천발 보유 하고 있는 것으로 추청됩니다. 하지만 우리 군은 일본이 개헌을 하고 수년 내 미사일 전력마저 한국을 뛰어넘을 수 있다는 위기의식을 가져야 할 필요가 있습니다.

지난 14일 국방부가 발표한 ‘2020~24 국방중기계획’에 따르면 국방부는 미사일 관련을 언급하며 유도탄 전략을 더욱 고도화하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

국방중기계획에는 현무, 해성, 장거리공대지유도탄 등 지상, 함정, 잠수함, 전투기에서 발사 가능한 정밀 유도탄을 확충하고, 정전탄, 전자기펄스탄 등 비살상 무기체계도 개발해 배치하겠다는 방침이 포함됐습니다.

특히 국방부는 미사일방어 체계의 방어지역이 확대되고 요격 능력이 더욱 향상된다면서 패트리엇과 철매-II를 성능개량 배치함과 동시에 L-SAM(대한민국이 개발중인 장거리 지대공 미사일 시스템) 연구개발을 완료해 다층‧다중 방어 능력을 구축하겠다는 청사진을 밝혔습니다.

자위대 미사일방어 체계는 촘촘하다는 평가를 받고 있죠. 아베의 목표는 미사일방어시스템이 아닌, 한국과 같이 국회와 언론의 견제 없이 탄도미사일과 순항미사일을 마음껏 실전 배치하는 것이죠. 그러기 위해선 개헌이 반드시 필요한 것이구요.

중요한 것은 트럼프 미국 대통령이 2020년 재선과 동시에 아베 정부가 개헌을 실현한다면  앞으로 미·일 동맹이 더욱 강화돼 아베의 꿈인 공격용 미사일 실전 배치하는 날이 빨리 올 수도 있습니다.  

따라서, 한국 정부도 전략적으로 트럼프 정부와 밀착해 우리가 반드시 해결해야 하는 탄도 미사일 사거리 800km 제한과 탄도중량 500kg 해제를 이뤄내야 하고, 원자력 잠수함 도입을 실현해야 합니다.
오늘 청와대가 언론의 예상을 깨고 한일군사정보보호협정(GSOMIA·지소미아) 종료를 강행한 배경에는 더 이상 일본을 신뢰할 수 없고, 아베 내각의 군사 야욕의 들러리가 되지 않겠다는 의지를 표명한 것으로 분석할 수 있습니다.

한-일간의 최후 안전 장치가 오늘 깨진 것으로 볼 수 있는 것이죠. 앞으로 한일간의 경제갈등, 경제전쟁을 넘어 무력 충돌도 생길 수 있게 됐다는 뜻입니다.

영화 봉호동 전투에서 황해철(유해진 분)이 일본 군을 향해 “결국 피 묻는 것은 네 백성 아니겠니”라고 말을 했죠. 일본이 자꾸 전쟁 가능한 국가를 꿈 꾼다는 것, 그것은 또 다른 불행의 시작 아닐까하는 우려가 듭니다. 우리는 대비해야 하고, 더 강하게 준비해야 합니다.


Abe Dreaming of 'Playing Attack Missile' After the Constitutional Reform in 2020


After the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Abe is preparing for a constitutional revision to a war-prone nation. Japan's decision to increase the number of F-35A stealth fighter jets from 105 to 42 F-32B, which can carry an aircraft carrier, to 147 is a preliminary effort to retain a strong military.

It will be the second largest country in the world to have stealth fighters. The South Korean military will also secure 40 F-35 stealth jets. In simple numbers, Japan has about 3.7 times more stealth fighters than Korea.

So far, Korea-Japan air power has been similar, or Japan's dominance in intelligence gathering, such as reconnaissance planes and satellites, but with Japan's massive purchase of stealth jets, the balance of air power between the two countries has been completely tilted toward Japan.

There is a smile on the lips of Prime Minister Abe, who dreams of becoming a warable nation. But there's something empty in the corner of Abe's mind. It's an attack missile force.

Japan's missile manufacturing technology and launch capabilities are the world's best, and if you like, you can build long-range missiles such as nuclear weapons or intercontinental ballistic missiles. The problem is, in reality, you can't have these missiles at your disposal.

This is because it violates the 'full defense' principle set forth in the Japanese constitution (only when attacked, to a minimum extent).

When the Japanese government officially announced its plan to introduce cruise missiles with a range of 500 kilometers and a range of 900 kilometers in 2017, controversy over violation of the "full defense" principle became widespread.

At the time, Japan's defense ministry said it was seeking to introduce a defensive cruise missile capable of carrying a stealth jet, but Japan's main opposition party and media criticized the Abe administration.

"They say it's not an attack on the enemy base, but it's not a convincing nature," said Yukio Edano, head of the main opposition constitutional Democratic Party.

The Mainichi Shimbun criticized the situation, saying, "It's a situation in which we put out our feet in the form of actual capability without discussing whether it's compatible with the principle of full defense."

East Sea is to introduce a cruise missile, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force in open waters f - blow inland by using the 35 North Korea, as well as the Self-Defense Force may use the missile attack when the Dokdo dispute.To be.

Analysts say Abe's ultimate attempt to change the constitution to a warable country after the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is to have such a long-range cruise-ballistic missile.

So, I can't help but envy Korea, which is preparing to have a range of 800 kilometers and a range of 3,000 kilometers. The Abe administration is lamenting not the lack of technology to possess such long-range missiles, but the inability to move in the Japanese constitution.

Currently, the South Korean military is believed to have thousands of cruise missiles (present-day 3C-status range of 1,500 kilometers, Hyunmoo 3B-1000 kilometers, Hyunmoo 3A-500 kilometers) and ballistic missiles (present-day 2A-range 300 kilometers, ballistic weight of 2,000 kilograms, Hyunmoo 2B-500 km, Hyunmoo 2C-800 km). However, our military needs to have a sense of crisis that Japan can revise its constitution and surpass Korea's missile capability within a few years.

According to the Defense Ministry's "2020-24 Mid-term Defense Plan," which was announced last Friday, the ministry said it would further upgrade its guided missile strategy, referring to the missile issue.

The mid-term defense plan includes plans to expand precision guided missiles that can be fired from ground, ships, submarines and fighter jets, such as Hyunmoo, Haesung and Long-range Air-to-Air Guided Missile, and to develop and deploy non-lethal weapons systems such as electrostatic bombs and electromagnetic pulsstan.

In particular, the Ministry of National Defense announced its blueprint to build multi-layered, multi-layered defense capabilities by deploying Patriot and Cheolmae-II with improved performance and L-SAM (long-range surface-to-air missile systems under development by the Republic of Korea).

The Self-Defense Forces missile defense system is considered to be sophisticated. Abe's goal is to deploy ballistic missiles and cruise missiles to the fullest extent of his ability, not the missile defense system, but the South Korean parliament and the media. In order to do so, constitutional amendment is essential.

What's important is that if the U.S. President Trump is re-elected in 2020 and the Abe administration realizes the constitutional amendment, the alliance between the U.S. and Japan could be strengthened in the future, accelerating the deployment of Abe's dream of an attack missiles.

Therefore, the Korean government should strategically work closely with the Trump administration to limit the range of ballistic missiles and lift the weight of 500 kilograms of ballistic missiles, which we must address, and realize the introduction of nuclear submarines.

It can be analyzed that Cheong Wa Dae's announcement of its intention to no longer trust Japan and not become the best man for the Abe administration's military ambitions was made by Cheong Wa Dae, which defied media expectations and pushed for the end of the GSOMIA (Jisomia).

The last safety device between Korea and Japan was broken today. In other words, there will be economic conflicts between Korea and Japan, and armed conflicts beyond economic wars.

In the battle in Bongho-dong, Hwang Hae-chul (played by Yoo Hae-jin) told the Japanese military, "It's your people who eventually ask for blood." It is feared that Japan keeps dreaming of a warable nation, and that is the beginning of another misfortune. We need to be prepared, and we need to be prepared more strongly.

After the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Abe is preparing for a constitutional revision to a war-prone nation. Japan's decision to increase the number of F-35A stealth fighter jets from 105 to 42 F-32B, which can carry an aircraft carrier, to 147 is a preliminary effort to retain a strong military.

It will be the second largest country in the world to have stealth fighters. The South Korean military will also secure 40 F-35 stealth jets. In simple numbers, Japan has about 3.7 times more stealth fighters than Korea.

So far, Korea-Japan air power has been similar, or Japan's dominance in intelligence gathering, such as reconnaissance planes and satellites, but with Japan's massive purchase of stealth jets, the balance of air power between the two countries has been completely tilted toward Japan.

There is a smile on the lips of Prime Minister Abe, who dreams of becoming a warable nation. But there's something empty in the corner of Abe's mind. It's an attack missile force.

Japan's missile manufacturing technology and launch capabilities are the world's best, and if you like, you can build long-range missiles such as nuclear weapons or intercontinental ballistic missiles. The problem is, in reality, you can't have these missiles at your disposal.

This is because it violates the 'full defense' principle set forth in the Japanese constitution (only when attacked, to a minimum extent).

When the Japanese government officially announced its plan to introduce cruise missiles with a range of 500 kilometers and a range of 900 kilometers in 2017, controversy over violation of the "full defense" principle became widespread.

At the time, Japan's defense ministry said it was seeking to introduce a defensive cruise missile capable of carrying a stealth jet, but Japan's main opposition party and media criticized the Abe administration.

"They say it's not an attack on the enemy base, but it's not a convincing nature," said Yukio Edano, head of the main opposition constitutional Democratic Party.

The Mainichi Shimbun criticized the situation, saying, "It's a situation in which we put out our feet in the form of actual capability without discussing whether it's compatible with the principle of full defense."

East Sea is to introduce a cruise missile, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force in open waters f - blow inland by using the 35 North Korea, as well as the Self-Defense Force may use the missile attack when the Dokdo dispute.To be.

Analysts say Abe's ultimate attempt to change the constitution to a warable country after the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is to have such a long-range cruise-ballistic missile.

So, I can't help but envy Korea, which is preparing to have a range of 800 kilometers and a range of 3,000 kilometers. The Abe administration is lamenting not the lack of technology to possess such long-range missiles, but the inability to move in the Japanese constitution.

Currently, the South Korean military is believed to have thousands of cruise missiles (present-day 3C-status range of 1,500 kilometers, Hyunmoo 3B-1000 kilometers, Hyunmoo 3A-500 kilometers) and ballistic missiles (present-day 2A-range 300 kilometers, ballistic weight of 2,000 kilograms, Hyunmoo 2B-500 km, Hyunmoo 2C-800 km). However, our military needs to have a sense of crisis that Japan can revise its constitution and surpass Korea's missile capability within a few years.

According to the Defense Ministry's "2020-24 Mid-term Defense Plan," which was announced last Friday, the ministry said it would further upgrade its guided missile strategy, referring to the missile issue.

The mid-term defense plan includes plans to expand precision guided missiles that can be fired from ground, ships, submarines and fighter jets, such as Hyunmoo, Haesung and Long-range Air-to-Air Guided Missile, and to develop and deploy non-lethal weapons systems such as electrostatic bombs and electromagnetic pulsstan.

In particular, the Ministry of National Defense announced its blueprint to build multi-layered, multi-layered defense capabilities by deploying Patriot and Cheolmae-II with improved performance and L-SAM (long-range surface-to-air missile systems under development by the Republic of Korea).

The Self-Defense Forces missile defense system is considered to be sophisticated

Abe's goal is to deploy ballistic missiles and cruise missiles to the fullest extent of his ability, not the missile defense system, but the South Korean parliament and the media. In order to do so, constitutional amendment is essential.

What's important is that if the U.S. President Trump is re-elected in 2020 and the Abe administration realizes the constitutional amendment, the alliance between the U.S. and Japan could be strengthened in the future, accelerating the deployment of Abe's dream of an attack missiles.

Therefore, the Korean government should strategically work closely with the Trump administration to limit the range of ballistic missiles and lift the weight of 500 kilograms of ballistic missiles, which we must address, and realize the introduction of nuclear submarines.

It can be analyzed that Cheong Wa Dae's announcement of its intention to no longer trust Japan and not become the best man for the Abe administration's military ambitions was made by Cheong Wa Dae, which defied media expectations and pushed for the end of the GSOMIA (Jisomia).

The last safety device between Korea and Japan was broken today. In other words, there will be economic conflicts between Korea and Japan, and armed conflicts beyond economic wars.

In the battle in Bongho-dong, Hwang Hae-chul (played by Yoo Hae-jin) told the Japanese military, "It's your people who eventually ask for blood." It is feared that Japan keeps dreaming of a warable nation, and that is the beginning of another misfortune. We need to be prepared, and we need to be prepared more strongly.